Established since 1977, MOFAZ, founded by Haji Mohamed Fauzy bin Abdul Hamid (Haji Fauzy), started off humbly as a trading house, which dealt primarily with Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) as well as import and export of primary commodities.

Through sound business management and prudent expansion planning, MOFAZ underwent several metamorphoses over the years to evolve into a dynamic consortium that incorporates leisure marine industries, automotive, general aviation services, property development and construction, hospitality and especially motorsports, of which MOFAZ is really passionate about.

What MOFAZ had achieved until today would not be materialised without the blessing of Allah and the philosophy that became the work culture,ideologies and principles of the organisation.

  1. MOVE ALONG WITH MOFAZ (1st decade)

‘Move Along with MOFAZ’ was the first philosophy since the inception of MOFAZ in 1977. 25% of the current staff had been servicing the company for more than 25 years. Majority of our business partners and vendors grew with MOFAZ since day one. We practice self-discipline, efficiency, enthusiastic, hardworking and respect for others.


After a decade of distinguishing ourselves in the industry, our next focus was to produce product and service excellence. Our goal was simple: Do excellent work consistently. The formula has proved successful and through dedication and hard work, the group has grown and flourished.

Excellence is infectious. It spreads from the product itself to the service we offer our customers, to the quality of people who work here, to the feeling of support and teamwork in the office, to the position that our group holds in the community.

Excellence generates pride. Few personal feelings offer more satisfaction than the understanding that one has done work of exemplary quality. Excellence is the source of satisfaction that comes from achieving a lofty goal or winning a hard race or overcoming a difficult obstacle.

Excellence, however, has a price; everything worthwhile does. Fortunately, the price of excellence is within all of our means. To be excellent, one must dedicate one’s self to doing the absolute best job possible, all the time. That means putting forth the extra bit of effort, the extra level of care and concern. It means working as a team to constantly look for and correct the errors of others and graciously accepting corrections of our work made by others with only the understanding that the overall work product of the firm is improved by such action. It means researching a little longer, listening a little closer, thinking a little deeper, communicating a little clearer, proof reading a little harder, and above all, always asking “Is this work the best that it can be? Can I make it better?” Excellence isn’t free or easy, but it’s worth the price.

  1. ZERO TOLERANCE (3rd decade)

As MOFAZ became specialist in the areas they were in, the group began to practice the ‘ZERO TOLERANCE’ policy. A primary motivation for enacting a zero tolerance policy is to ensure a 100% quality excellence in everything we do.

MOFAZ involvements in the motorsports industry had helped the staff to have a better understanding of the policy. It gets you to push yourself harder. Whatever you’re doing is never, everenough. You can never be too fast. If you’re fast, you’re pushing to get faster.  You can never win enough. Win one championship and you’re pushing to win another.

Zero tolerance policy requires immense dedication, precision, discipline, strategy and teamworkin order to keep focused and perform to your best, skills that can be transferred to all aspects of life, helping people to achieve their goals.

  1. WASILLUL ARHAM (4th decade)

Abdullah ibn Salam (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated, “When the Prophet arrived for the first time in Madinah, I went with everyone to see him. When I saw him, I knew his face was not that of a liar. The first words he said were,

O people:

– Spread Salam (Ufsyussalam) ,

– Maintain relationships / Silaturrahim (Wasilul Arham),

– Feed the hungry (Ath’imut tho’am),

– Pray at night while others are asleep (Shollu billayli wannasu niyam).

With this, you shall enter Heaven in peace.” (Al-Bukhari)”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was sincere and had strong, clear conviction in his message. That is why he implemented it first on himself before he took it to others. His sincerity showed on his face, attitude, and body language, lending confidence and credibility to his words and message.

MOFAZ believes in upholding the ties of kinship because of the great effect that this has on achieving social cohesion, enhance the value of networking, building the network of caring and sharing, perpetuating cooperation and love beyond family and relatives. Ultimately, Wasilul Arham has been chosen as the new tagline for the group.

Upholding the ties of kinship is a duty because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“… and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship)…”

[al-Nisa’ 4:1]

Renewing and maintaining ties on a regular basis, even with distant relatives and friends, create opportunities for collaboration and appreciation for one another. It ensures that everyone belongs with someone, somewhere. In today’s world, we are fortunate that technology has provided means of communication. We can easily stay in touch with each other. By implementing our role towards others, we chart not only a path to peace in our world, but a peaceful path to Heaven as well.